Mission Statement: The mission of the Emmanuel Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the Emmanuel Congregation in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that each individual may use her gifts, abilities and talents to all people.

League Motto: Serve the Lord with Gladness. Psalms 100:2
League Objectives:
Mission Education :: Mission Inspiration :: Mission Service

Mite Box Offerings are divided into 75% to Nebraska District South for a mission goal of $90,000 and 24% to National for a mission goal of $1,825,000. Boxes are located at both church entrance doors for those unable to attend meetings but wishing to support missions.

For many years, we have financially supported a Seminary Student, the most recent being Christopher Maronde. This year we chose to support a foreign missionary through Mission Central under the direction of Gary Thies.

Meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Christian Life features, Bible Studies, speakers or various activities pertaining to the season are enjoyed. Upcoming events are located on the Church Web Calendar.

The LWML responds to various needs by dividing into circles. We currently have 9 of them.

They are:
Adrian Banner Altar Dorcas Quilting Esther World Relief Eunice Education Hope Mission Library Martha Reception Ruth Visitation

Click the links below for the LWML Newsletter and more!

“The Echo” – Summer 2020        

Non-delegate Convention Registration
Quarantine fun!      

The Nebraska District South has a webpage which is a good place to find district information. Visit it at www.lwmlnesouth.org